Organization’s Name |
Kandhalogam Siva Subramaniar Trust (KST) |
Legal Status |
Registered to the Ministry of Social Welfare of
Tamilnadu. Reg. No. 224/2012 |
Address |
253,54, Ashoka Complex, Karuppagounder Street,
Year of establishment |
2012 |
Contact Person and
Contact Information |
Mr. P.Selvaraj
Founder cum Managing Trustee,
Kandhalogam Siva Subramaniar Trust
253,54, Ashoka Complex, Karuppagounder Street,
E-mail: kandhalogam@gmail.com,
Mobile: +91 97513 15646, 8300287553 |
Bank account
information |
PAN No |
AACTK3180B |
Bank |
574736170 |
ICIC0000342 |
6390005 |
641229006 |
6390536-9200009 |
33AAACI1195H1ZT |
Bank |
Axis Bank |
Account no |
918010030028718 |
880917529 |
UTIB0001919 |
6360081 |
641211013 |
63600819200008 |
33AAACU2414K1ZM |
Program Name |
Kandhalogam Siva Subramaniar Trust |
Project Title |
Project Area |
Coimbatore District, Tamilnadu, India
Project Duration |
12 Months |
Kandhalogam Siva Subramaniar Trust is a Non-Governmental, Secular, Non-Profit, organization
registered as a Trust under Indian Trust Act. It was founded in the year 2012 by Mr.P.Selvaraj at
Coimbatore. The Trust is one of the leading organization in the whole of South Tamilnadu, India
working primarily to promote Education, Health & Self Employment. The Trust offers to
promote Education, Health & Self Employment through holistic method that is affordable and
accessible to all.
Vision: To provide due care the live of the helpless and destitute and old Aged persons in the
society and even those Aged persons neglected by the family and did not get proper care due to
poverty, so that they live as valued members of the society with a peace of mind before going to
their eternal home.
Goal: To Ensure a sound and friendly environment for the poor helpless and destitute an Old
aged persons towards achieving a promising peaceful conditions for them fostering their
physical, mental, social and spiritual development and well being as well.
Purpose of the project: To Ensure access of 500 (Five Hundred)poor helpless and destitute
and Old Aged persons in Tamilnadu to safe accommodation, tender love, proper care,
nourishment, health service and other basic needs through establishment and operation of a
sustainable Old Aged home.
Specific Objectives:
- To establish a well constructed, well managed, community participated and safe Old
Aged home at a suitable place.
- To ensure adequate nourishment and clothes for the targeted the poor helpless and
destitute an Old Aged person.
- To ensure access to instant and quality health care for the poor helpless and destitute an
Old Aged persons so that they can get awareness on health and hygienic issues.
- To create an effective an Old Aged friendly learning environment for the poor helpless
and destitute an Old Aged persons within the Old Aged Home, so that they can live
peacefully as their own Home.
- To provide an Old Aged persons access to fellowship activities, recreational facilities,
mental support, social affairs and spiritual formation.
- To promote resource generating activities for financial sustainability of the old aged
home beyond donor funding.
In Tamilnadu, intense poverty, political violence, famine, drought, natural disasters, animal
attacks, chronic endemic diseases and poor maternal health care, all are contributing in turning
a large numbers of an Old Aged person into helpless and destitute each year. There is
generalized and pronounced lacking of health, nutrition, and caring services for indigenous
poor helpless and destitute Old aged persons interfering their physical, mental, social and
spiritual development and well being, ultimately leading to a uncertain and frustrated life.
KST identified the following underlying causes of the above situation:
There is no residential facility for the poor helpless and destitute an old Aged person at
the place where they can live under proper care to them in peaceful mind without any
harassment for their life.
- The family or care givers of the poor helpless and destitute an Old aged person or an Old
Aged person himself/herself cannot afford adequate foods for his/her proper nutrition.
- The poor helpless and destitute an Old Aged person do not get health care services and
remain untreated and maltreated for many diseases.
- In many cases, the poor helpless and destitute old Aged persons are often deprived of
proper care, tender love and participation in – social events and spiritual activities etc as
being they were neglected.
This project has been undertaken to address the above problem and its underlying causes. The
project will ensure access of 500 helpless and destitute Old Aged persons in Tamilnadu to safe
accommodation, tender love, proper care, nourishment, guidance, health service and other basic
needs through establishment and operation of a sustainable an Old Aged home.
Specific area of needs to be addressed by the project is:
- Foods and clothes: The family or care givers of the poor helpless and destitute an Old
Aged persons or Old Aged person himself/herself cannot afford adequate foods for his/
her proper nutrition. Because they could not work in the field, an Old Aged person does
not get clothing as per their need. Therefore, the poor helpless and destitute Old Aged
persons who will be given residential facility need to be provided with food and clothes
in free of cost
- Health Care facility: The poor helpless and destitute Old aged persons do not get health
care services and remain untreated and maltreated for many diseases. Which is crucial for
their age? Therefore, regular medical check-up, health care should be arranged for the
targeted poor and helpless an Old Aged persons.
- Mental, social and spiritual development: The poor helpless and destitute Old Aged
persons are often deprived of proper care, tender love and participation in – social
events, spiritual activities. Therefore, these Old aged persons need facilities of nursing,
recreation and socialization, so that they may be released from mental depression.
- Sustainability of an Old Age home: Last of all, even after establishment of an Old Aged
home fulfilling all the above needs, sustainability of the home will still be a major
concern. Therefore, profitable resource generating programs need to be conducted side
by side with the home activities for sustainable operation of the home.
Intense poverty, political violence, famine, drought, natural disasters, animal attacks, chronic
endemic diseases and poor maternal health care, all are contributing in turning a large numbers
of an Old Aged person into poor helpless destitute each year in TamilNadu. KST defines a poor
helpless as one who lost at least one of his/her sons/daughters; and a destitute an Old Aged
person as one who is in extreme need of comprehensive external aid to meet his/her basic
needs due to his/her family and social incapacity or hindrance. KST estimated that there is
approximately 40000 poor helpless and destitute an Old Aged persons in TamilNadu.
There is generalized and pronounced lacking of health, nutrition, and caring services for the
indigenous poor helpless and destitute an Old Aged in TamilNadu. The poor and helpless Old
aged often have to earn money engaging themselves into adult economic activities to look after
young babies even they were weak and Old to support themselves and their families. A study of
KST suggests that less than 30% of the poor helpless and destitute an Old Aged person in
remote Coimbatore can take 2 adequate major meals regularly, less than 20% have gained a
new cloth in 12 months.
An Old aged person in TamilNadu often suffer from diseases like malaria, diarrhea, acute
respiratory tract infections, tuberculosis, hepatitis, asthma, viral infections, meningitis,
encephalitis, intestinal gastric. A large numbers of an Old aged person, specially the poor and
helpless destitute an Old Aged person, cannot access health care due to lack of awareness and
income of their care givers or guardians resulting in poor health and sickness to an Old Aged
persons.Villages in the TamilNadu have lower access to health care services to the rest of the
Overall condition: An Old Aged persons are often deprived of guardian care and tender love.
Being the poor helpless involved in the fighting for themselves and their families, many of the
poor helpless an Old aged persons cannot find any mean to participate in social events, spiritual
activities, and recreational activities. These all seriously hinders the social, mental and spiritual
development of these an Old aged person groups.
The project will support such 500 poor helpless and Old Aged persons from all over TamilNadu
1. A well constructed, well managed, community participated and safe an Old Aged
home will be established at suitable and friendly good environment to the Old aged
- 20000 Square feet semi-concrete building will be established with living, reading room,
dining hall, worship room, recreational and IT facilities for 500 poor and helpless old Aged
- 200 experienced staffs will be deployed for operation and maintenance of an Old aged
- An old Aged home management committee will be formed and being functional for overall
management of an old Aged home and review its progress and performance.
- An Old aged home staff will be trained through a 10-day long training on “health Care & Old
aged Home Services” for proper nursing, care and development of an Old Aged person as
well as for effective home service and management.
- 300 female and 200 male, who are poor helpless/or destitute, will be selected for the old
home services and benefits
- A Guardian’s Committee will be formed and being functional to provide their direct
feedback over the services of an Old Aged home, provide suggestions for any improvement
and act as mediator between the an Old aged home and community.
2. Adequate nourishment and clothes for the targeted the poor helpless and destitute an
Old aged person will be ensured.
- 500 poor helpless an Old aged person will receive adequate nourishment and balanced diet
every day.
- The targeted 500 an Old Aged persons will receive adequate clothes – 2 times a year.
- 500 an Old Aged persons will receive necessary toiletries.
3. Access to instant and quality health care for the targeted poor helpless and destitute
an Old Aged will be ensured and their awareness on health and hygienic issues will be
- The Old Aged home, Old Aged groups will receive regular medical checkup and health care
services in monthly medical visits of a qualified physician.
- The Old Aged groups will gain instant and emergency health services from local physicians,
health care providers and health centers.
- The home old aged groups will be aware on health and hygienic issues by participating in
the monthly health education sessions.
4. Targeted poor helpless and destitute an Old Aged person will have access to extracurricular activities, recreational facilities, mental support, social affairs and spiritual
- 500 poor and destitute an old Aged will receive tender love, mental support and parental
care so that they can feel and enjoy the Old aged friendly home environment as family
- Daily prayer sessions will be arranged in the old Aged home for spiritual development of
the Old Aged persons.
- Attendance of Old aged persons in church/religious institutions and religions events will be
- Social and religious festivals, days and events will be celebrated and observed throughout
the year.
5. Resource generating activities will promoted for financial sustainability of the Old
Aged home beyond donor funding.
- Rent-a-car service will be offered by the Old aged home for generating income for the Old
Aged home.
- Coordination and involvement of a wide range of governmental and nongovernment
stakeholders including local government, government departments, local temples, religious
leaders, traditional leaders and NGOs will be established.
- Community will be encouraged to contribute for the Old Aged home.
- Establishment of 1 (one) sale centre just close to the selected place for an Old aged home.
The propose place is very popular as being one of the famous picnic centre near
Coimbatore Town. It is visited everyday by tourist from all over the country. They used to
buy the local handicrafts products like- Bed sheet- shawls, traditional Bags Basket etc, and
so many other items from there (Picnic centre).
1. Establishment of the Old Aged Home:
- Selection of the Place: The place for establishment of the Old Aged home has already been
selected. It will be established at Coimbatore city Sundakanoothur Road ways. KST will
contribute 5 acres of land for establishment of the home and for resource generating
activities for the home. The establishment place is close to main Road and easily accessible
all seasons.
- Construction of the Old Aged Home: The Old aged Home will be a 20000 square feet semiconcrete building consisting of one male’ living room, one female’ living room, one common
room, one dining room, one office room, guest room, sick room, three living rooms for the
home staff, kitchen and toilet facilities. A deep tube well and water tank will be constructed
for supply of safe water. A local contractor will be selected for construction of the old Aged
Home through bidding process according to the procurement guideline of KST. The
construction work will be completed by the first 6 months of the project.
- Equipping the Old Aged Home: The Old Aged Home will be equipped with the following
equipments and facilities:
- Beds (Single deck for Old aged person) – 500
- Beds (single deck for staff) – 50
- Beddings – 500 sets
- Benches –100 numbers
- Tables – 75 numbers
- Plates & drinking glasses – 500 sets
- Cooking equipments
- Water filters – 15 numbers
- Indoor Sports equipments
- Outdoor Sports equipments and facilities
- Musical instrument Drum & guitar etc.
- First aid medical equipments
- Computer with accessories (10 Nos)
- The community members will have an interest in sustainable methods of
farming – organic farming i.e. avail themselves for the trainings, and play
their duly part during training and implementation of the project in order
to make a lasting impact.
- The social-economic political and weather conditions will allow for the
process of awareness, training and more importantly adoption and
implementation of the ideas.
- The change agency (KST) will continue with its mandate without changing
focus and its mission.
A procurement Committee will procure these equipments/facilities according to the
procurement guideline of KST.
- Staff Recruitment: Following staff will be recruited under the project for the Old Aged
- Project Manager (1)
- Superintendent (3)
- Old Aged Home Care taker (80)
- Cook (15)
- Shopkeeper/Sale Centre care taker (1)
The project manager is an already recruited staff. Rest of the staff will be recruited based on
their experience, expertise and qualification according to the Recruitment Policy of KST by the
rd month of the project. A recruitment committee of KST will be responsible for the recruitment
- Formation of an Old Aged home management committee: An old Aged home
Management Committee consisting of representatives from Executive Members and Senior
management staff of KST, Project Manager, Local Priest, and Local Traditional Leaders will
be established at the beginning of the project. The KST will be in responsibility for overall
management of the Old Aged home and review its progress and performance. On behalf of
the KST, Project Manager, as Chief Officer of the home, will be in direct responsibility for
management of the home, implementation of its services and supervision of the staff. Project
Manager will submit quarterly progress reports to the KST as well as to the donor.
- Staff Training: For proper nursing, care and development of the Old aged persons as well as
for effective home service and management the Project Manager, Superintendent and
Caretakers will be trained on a 10-day long training on “Old aged person Care & Old Aged
Home Services”. A training manual will be developed in advance by a contracted resource
person. Contracted resource persons will conduct the trainings in KST training room by the
rd month of the project.
- Selection of poor helpless and destitute Old aged person: 300 females and 200 male
who are poor helpless orphan and/or destitute will be selected for admission into the home.
A call for application will be circulated at community level by the KST grassroots staff before
beginning of the program. Selection will be done by the KST based on a set of selection
criteria as to be defined by the KST. However, the first criteria will be that the person must
be poor helpless or destitute. KST defines a poor helpless an old Aged as one who have no to
look after him/her and have no to take shelter and a destitute old aged person. Who is in
extreme need of comprehensive external aid to meet his/her basic needs due to his/her
family and social incapacity or hindrance.
- Development of Old Aged home operational manual: KST will develop an Old Aged home
operational manual before enrolment of the old aged persons aiming to provide all staffs’
and children some guidelines and regulation for smooth maintenance and management of
the home as well as for maintenance of old aged home discipline.
2.Supply nutritious foods and adequate clothes for the old aged persons:
- Development of a meal item schedule: Project Manager will develop a meal item
schedule before beginning of home operation ensuring adequate nutrition and balanced
diet for the old aged persons.
- Procurement of foods: The superintendent will arrange monthly, weekly and daily
marketing of food items and fuels ensuring adequate food storage for the old aged persons.
Marketing will be based on the meal item schedule.
- Cooking and distribution of foods: Cooks will be responsible for daily cooking and
preparation of foods. Caretakers will distribute the foods to the old aged persons at dining
spaces. Strict hygienic and sanitary measures will be taken in all stages of food preparation,
distribution and consumption.
- Procurement and distribution of clothes: Each old aged person will be provided with
dresses two times a year and of three types: ordinary dresses, occasion dresses, and winter
dresses. The procurement committee will be responsible for procurement of the clothes
according to the procurement guideline of KST.
- Procurement and supply of toiletries: The Superintendent will arrange monthly
procurement of toiletries items and supply the same to the old aged persons.
3. Provide health care support to the Old aged persons:
- Monthly medical visit: Project manager will contract a local qualified physician (at least
MBBS degree) within 1st quarter of the project for arranging monthly medical visits to the
old aged home to provide health care services to the old aged person.
- Instant consultation with physician and attain services from health centers: Project
Manager will establish linkage with local physicians, health care providers and Health
centers for instant consultation for any ill an old aged person or for management of any
emergency cases. Superintendent will be responsible for bringing the Old Aged person to
the linked physicians, health care providers or health centers, when necessary.
4. Mental, social and spiritual support:
- Daily nursing/ care taking: The caretakers of the Old Aged home will take constant care
of the old Aged person, e.g. regular food intake, adequate sleep, cleanliness, nursing during
illness, etc. The Superintendent and Caretakers will provide tender love, mental support
and parental care to the old Aged persons so that the old Aged persons can feel and enjoy
the old aged home environment as family environment.
- Organize daily prayer sessions: Daily prayer sessions will be arranged in the old Aged
home at morning and evening for spiritual development and peace of mind Old aged
- Attendance in church/religious institutions and religions events: The old Aged home
will ensure attendance of the old aged persons in church/religious institutions and
religious events for their spiritual development and to relieve from their mental burdens.
- Celebrate social and religious festivals, days and events: The old aged home will
celebrate social/national festivals/events, like mother tongue day, new year day, victory
day, independence day, children day, world education day etc., and religious festivals, like
Christmas, Easter Sunday, etc.
5. Sustainability of the old aged home
- Rent-a-car service: The old aged home will purchase 25 Omni Cars (KCRS) and provide
rent-a-car service to generate income for sustainably running of the old Aged home. The
KCRS will be purchased at the end of 1st year.
- Sale centre for local handicraft: Local handicrafts sale centre will be established from
the sixth months of the project. The sale centre care-taker will responsible keeping the
collected and selling the same under the strict supervision the home superintendent.
Beyond the project, the sale centre will provide income for sustainability of the home.
Salary of the care - taker will come from the profit of the sale centre.
- Sub –activities under this activities include:
a. Construction of sale centre
b. Procurement of local handicrafts of various items
c. Sale of collected items and keep maintain all accounts etc.
d. Keeping neat and clean the sale Centre that can give attraction to the customers.
- Involvement of government and nongovernmental stakeholders: KST will work in
coordination with local government, government departments, local temples, religious
leaders, traditional leaders and NGOs, to solicit their support during and beyond the project
period for operation of the old Aged home.
- Solicit community contribution: KST will encourage contribution of the community,
according to their ability, to ensure their ownership in the project.
The ultimate impact of the project will be that the poor helpless and destitute an Old aged
person from TamilNadu will enjoy a sound and fulfilling old aged life toward achieving a
promising life through their physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual development and
well being. More specifically:
- The poor helpless and destitute old Aged will have a safe accommodation and placement
where they will enjoy their old aged life in family environment.
- Gaining adequate nutrition, physical exercise and quality healthcare the poor helpless
and destitute old aged will lead a healthful life.
- Tender love and provide care will bring a pleasant and enjoyable old aged life for the old
aged persons and offer them emotional and release from mental depression and anxiety.
- Finally, the old Aged home will contribute to build the life of the poor helpless and
destitute old aged person so that they can be an active person having love, fellow feeling
and responsibility for significantly contributing in overall development and reformation
of the society, country and nation.
KST central monitoring team will arrange annual evaluation of the old aged home, where it will
assess what the difference the project will make on the safe and quality of the life of the poor
helpless and destitute old aged persons. The old aged will assess the following areas of
- Health status of the old aged persons
- Nutritional status of the old aged people
- Participation and performance of the old aged person in social affairs
- Participation and performance of the old aged persons in spiritual affairs
An evaluation plan will be developed at the first quarter of the project which will include
detailed methodology and tools for the evaluation.
- Deprivation of nourishment: The poor helpless and destitute old aged will not get
adequate meal and nourishment and thereby, will suffer from malnutrition.
- Deprivation of clothes: The poor helpless and destitute old aged will be deprived from
adequate clothing. They will suffer more in winter seasons.